I've Switched to Dean for President


Director/Cameraman - Kevin Murray

Producers - Kevin Murray, Bart Myers, David Fox

Video Editors - Kevin Murray, David Fox

Assistant Producer - Vala Cliffton
Lighting - Chris Million, Sean Ferry
Production Assistants - Sherri McRae, Benjamin J. Sigman
Makeup - Vala Cliffton

Music - Phil & Asa

DVD Interface - Scott Runcorn
DMT Logo Design & Animation - Scott Runcorn
Legal Coordinators - Michelle Dreher, Vala Cliffton

Website Design & Construction - Daniel Will-Harris
Copywriter - Bob Jackson
Additional Web Graphics - David Fox

Web Video Compression - Brendan Thompson, David Fox
Video Transfers - Bart Myers, David Fox
Video Processing & Storage - Jon Aizen &

Switch2Dean Print Campaign Coordinators -
Megan Larson, Zach Miller-Catlin
Graphic Designer - Lillian Crist
Copywriter - Bob Jackson

DMT Network Producer - Bart Myers
DMT Network Creative Director - Richard Hoefer

Creative Inspiration - David Ball

Special Thanks to - Joeann Edmonds, Annie Fox, and especially Betty, Christine, Garrett, Jeff, Liz, Mary, Maxine, Michael, Mike, Phil, Robert, Steve, and Tony

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